
Still Video installation with charcoal drawing Vlucht1 and Vlucht 2 Exbunker Briede van Bemmelen 2016
(stills from) charcoal drawing- and video installation, 2016 Exbunker


 Binnenkant nr.4, paper-glue installation, Brugge 2015


 Binnenkant nr.3, mold of the inside of a car, paper-glue installation, 2015. With many thanks for the making of time-lapse video by Daniel van Duinkerken music Scott Holmes
Eindexamenwerk Fine Art HKU Tractieweg, UtrechtEindexamenwerk Fine Art HKU Tractieweg, Utrecht
IMG_4532IMG_4524Binnenkant nr.2, paper- glue installation, 2015
Untitled_PanoramarechtsInstallation burned wood and walls, 2015
CIMG1855grasplant, picture 2014
MVI_1970usedopvensterbankvideostill from installation Bewakingscamera's, 2014
DSC_0756DSC_0747IMG_9839 Binnenkant nr.1, paper-glue installation, 2013

DSC_0623DSC_0627DSC_0655DSC_0619Vliegende vogels, 1st of series, charcoal drawing-video installation, 2013
tsau!1TSAU! video installation, 2012
ruimtelijketekening1ruimtelijketekening2Spatial drawings, 2012
fotosstadstuinboekjestadstuinwitteachtergr Book Stadstuin a serie of pictures, 2012- ongoing